About Us

Two Fishers Gourmet Tuna Crew - About Us

Two Fishers is a 52-year-old family owned commercial fishing business that began in 1968.  Our daughters Janice and Robin were the deckhands while growing up.  Aileen also fished with me for 10 years from the California border to the Canadian border. My grandsons Johnny and Spencer were also deckhands. Johnny went from deckhand to being the captain and has run the boat for the past 4 years.  

We experimented with the processing methods and home canning until 2000 when we started flash freezing tuna at sea (FAS) and began professionally canning and selling tuna on the internet.  We immediately realized that not only our unique preparation and handling process, but also the blast flash freezing to sashimi grade preserved the freshness and quality of the tuna. It also qualified us to join AAFA http://www.americanalbacore.com (American Albacore Fishing Association) by following their strict marine steward certification guidelines.  https://www.msc.org/ 

Although the cost of tuna is much higher in the fall, we discovered canning late in the season when the tuna have the highest content of fat and Omega 3 not only eliminated the need for oil or water during the canning process, but also greatly enhanced the flavor of the final product. 

Two Fishers Tuna